the august break – a photographic journey of capturing beauty

I’m participating in: The August Break – a series of photo prompts created by photographer and author, Susannah Conway. Looking forward to these photo prompts. Join in. You don’t need a fancy camera. An iphone will work just fine. Let your eyes see a little deeper this month. And if you want to join me … More the august break – a photographic journey of capturing beauty

12 Ways To Slow Down and Live The Simple Life

“nostalgia” treasury by cloud9designstudio on etsy remember when… life moved slowly…. pause and reflect on a life without screens. Feel the ease…of the simple life. You can live the simple life — free of worry, stress, busyness, and fear. Here’s how: 1-learn to sew. ask a relative to teach you. 2-hand write your letters or … More 12 Ways To Slow Down and Live The Simple Life

you are here: the shelter and space you need

Life is about rebirth. Evolving. Growing. Seeking. Finding. The beautiful journey of the soul. The womb is a place of protection. Nurture. Nourishment. Unconditional Love. A shelter. Pregnant with life. {photograph by cloud9designstudio} Whatever it is that you need today — may you find it. May you find the warmth, shelter, comfort, love,  and the … More you are here: the shelter and space you need

Shine Your Light ~ an inspirational interview series ~ Author Beth Wiseman

{Shine Your Light is a blog series of inspirational interviews with encouraging women, living their passions, sharing their hearts, encouraging others, and following their dreams. I hope it inspires you to Shine Your Light. Because you have a light inside of you that is brighter that you know.} My very first Shine Your Light Interview … More Shine Your Light ~ an inspirational interview series ~ Author Beth Wiseman

hello! hello! a life without screens. a girl can dream…

You have to get author and illustrator Matthew Cordell’s new book hello! hello! and read it. Often. Like everyday. To your kids. And to yourself. Such a beautiful message. This book highlights that all the technology our culture consumes  keep us — disconnected. I am a big believer in simple, slow living. And this lovely book … More hello! hello! a life without screens. a girl can dream…

Featured Artist at Brave Girls Club + Fine Art Photography Featured at Holley Gerth!

Just listed new fine art photographs in the cloud9designstudio etsy shop. Click here to see them! I added lots of new photographs to the etsy shop today. Flowers, butterflies, rocking chairs, antique log cabins and more. I will add some more soon. In other news, I am so excited that the Brave Girls Club featured … More Featured Artist at Brave Girls Club + Fine Art Photography Featured at Holley Gerth!

{Creative Entreprenuer Tip: Do one thing a day that scares you}

{ORIGINAL 30″X40″ WATERCOLOR & ACRYLIC PAINTING “WOMB” BY CLOUD9DESIGNSTUDIO ON ETSY} “Leap and the net will appear.” Being in business for yourself is sometimes scary. We have to take risks, and face fear and take those baby steps that move us in the direction of our dreams. Today, I listed my first largescale painting on … More {Creative Entreprenuer Tip: Do one thing a day that scares you}

{ask. seek. find}

{let the light shine in – by cloud9designstudio on etsy} Ask, and it shall be given to you; seek and you shall find; knock, and it shall be opened for you. -Matthew 7:7 What are you seeking today? What is one step you can take to move in the direction of what you seek?