Stand Up Desk from Brixton Banks

Stand up desks are a new trend right now that benefits our health and wellness. It’s been proven that sitting all day at our desks is contributing to many health problems. The new Stand Up desk from Brixton Banks is a wonderful solution to that problem. When I saw this cool new desk, I knew … More Stand Up Desk from Brixton Banks

{new etsy taste test tool: search & shop superbly}

Etsy just came out with a new curated search tool based on the items you choose, and gives you a list of recommendations based on your taste. This is a really handy tool for sorting through the ocean of amazingness that is It helps you streamline your search and wade through the seemingly endless … More {new etsy taste test tool: search & shop superbly}

{summer emporium}

Check it out! The Summer Indie Emporium is now launched. Be sure to use the awesome coupons the participants are offering to get some great values on handmade goods that make perfect gifts!