Just Uploaded My Very First Course on Insight Timer!!! It will be live soon!!

Do 1 thing a day that scares you!

I have been wanting to upload my courses to Insight Timer for 3 years now, since I became a Teacher on the app! For various reasons, it took me this long – mostly because it took me finally overcoming a bit of fear about really going ALL IN with this.

I am so grateful that my first course is uploaded!! I had so mch fear around jsut this first one for some reason. But now that it’s done, I am so EXCITED to create the hundreds of courses that I have wanted to create on the app for years. We must move through the fear when we are on the way to a new level in life – whether that be a new level of being seen in your business, or a new level of money and abundance, or a new level in love…sometimes we just need to feel the fear and do it anyways.

Fear, when looked through another lens, is actually just excitement that forgot to breathe.

All the things that scare us to our core…the things that we fear the most, are usually pointing us in the right direction. Those fears are because it matters so much to you. You want so much to get it right.

If it didn’t matter, you wouldn’t be scared. The fears are leading you to your divine path. The place that you are MEANT to be.

Those, “What if it doesn’t work out?” questions can be turned into…”What if it all works out beautifully and it’s the most incredible, magical experience of my life?!”

Courage is from the root word “cor” in Latin, which means heart. The act of bravery and courage shows that you are living FULLY from your HEART. You are living from LOVE. From all that you are and all that your are. meant to be. That’s magnificent. And YOU are magnificent.

So, whenever those fears come up and try to scare you off of your rightful path….don’t forget to breathe. Then, let the excitement and giddiness bubble up and know that you are living your most abundant, authentic, meaningful life. This just might be the chance of a lifetime. Congratulations!

I would be HONORED if you were one of the first to enroll in my new course once it launches! 🙂

Have a beautiful, courageous day!



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